LMS-MGC is "magical" configuration file generator. With some efforts, you can create virtually any configuration file using it (ie. zone definition file for BIND)
LMS-MGC has its own configuration file: lms-mgc.ini. You should install script by moving it to /usr/sbin directory. LMS-MGC should be used in two either ways: scheduled from cron (eg. hourly)
0 * * * * /usr/sbin/lms-mgc 1 > /dev/null
or called from LMS 'Reload' menu. Second setup requires sudo to be used. Unfortunately this method requires you to add user to sudo, and set in configuration section [phpui]
reload_type = exec
reload_execcmd = sudo /usr/sbin/lms-mgc
LMS-MGC has following command line options:
-C, --config-file=/path/lms-mgc.ini alternative configuration file (default: /etc/lms/lms-mgc.ini); -i, --instances=name instance name (number) to launch, without reading lms-mgc.ini configuration, ie. -i "name1 name2" -h, --help shows help; -v, --version shows version number; -q, --quiet shows only errors during execution; -d, --debug verbose information for each IP;